Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Can you relax in a messy house?

After putting a first coat of paint on the bathroom today I decided to sit and have a coffee and just relax before I started cleaning the rest of the house. *I always find that when I work on one specific project (like re-organizing a room, doing a seasonal clothing switch etc) the rest of my house ends up in chaos. When I stop the unconscious picking up/tidying up of toys, dishes, garbage I really notice just how much of a difference it makes! * Anyway, once all my painting supplies were stashed away until tomorrow I was tired and a bit sore. I put the coffee maker on in my messy kitchen and went to the messy living room to flip on HGTV. (Watching other people paint their entire house in half an hour always gives me motivation!)

But once the coffee had perked and I had a DIY show picked out I just couldn't sit in the mess. The crumbs on the counters..... The trains, planes, and automobiles scattered on the living room rug.... The plate with sandwich crusts left on the table. Ahhh!!! It was driving me insane.

So I set my oven timer for 10 minutes and got to work. It's amazing what you can accomplish in 10 minutes when you set your mind to it. I was even finished before the timer went off!

And then I could relax - truly relax..........

I always hear people say (and I've said it myself to new moms especially) "the mess will wait". And it's true. It will wait. But how do you feel while it's waiting for you??


Bethany said...

I hate sitting in mess, I can't go to bed until the kitchen, living room, bathroom and our bedroom have all been tidied. Otherwise I lay in bed and think about the mess i will wake up to.

Mel said...

that made me smile. oh the balance eh! It really does help to have tidy-clears the brain. I am not good at this but am learning from Dan! :O)

Anita said...

This sounds exactly like me. The way the mess accumulates in of not picking up always amazes me. And like you, I cannot relax in a mess!! I think it is a hereditary trait. ;-)

MVD said...

Can't sit in the mess. I love setting the timer and getting the kids in on the 10 min. Tidy:)

Anonymous said...

I'm the same way - I can't truly relax when there is mess around me. Fun post Jen! Exciting that you're at the painting part of the bathroom reno!

Sarah by the Sea said...

I don't relax with a mess around either. Whether it's good or bad, I've been letting the mess pile up in my bedroom lately & just closing the door - but keeping the rest of the house spic and span!
At least it looks clean! :)