My husband and brother in law did a great job at taking down this wall. When I came home that evening the house was so clean you could barely tell antyhing occurred that day. Of course, plaster dust likes to linger, so I've been dusting everything everyday since then, but oh well. Eventually the dust will settle. We're thinking of pulling up the carpet sooner than later for the following reasons:
1- I now have a wall shaped bare patch in our carpet. This wouldn't be so bad if my littlest didn't think it was the greatest spot on earth. He likes to spray his apple juice on the wood to bring out any century old dirt and make a nice muddy mess. Yes, he's a boy.
2- My clumsy Emily has tripped on the carpet edge about, oh, a GAZILLION times.
3- We found out the the boards beneath the carpet have been previously stained, so we're hoping for the best :) If they're in super bad shape, we will paint the floor a dark brown until we are ready to dry wall.
And here's a good before/after shot:
Oh I LOVE your front doors and your banister! It looks great without that wall. I bet it's a lot brighter too! I can't wait to see it all finished. :-)
Wow that really opens it up!! It looks great!
Looks a million times better! Totally opens it up and now you can enjoy your beautiful doors and stairs! Great job!
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