Saturday, October 09, 2010

House renovations

Here's what's been happening in our house lately:

I decided to re-paint the dining room. It was previously the same peachy colour as our living room, giving the dining room a very octogenarian feel. I wavered back and forth between sticking to my earth tone loving self and trying something new, like a pale blue-gray. But after the yellow-kitchen experiment I sided with old self and stuck with a rich olive green. It's practically the same colour as our old dining room on Gladstone, which I loved. And who likes change, right? :) Eventually the carpet will be torn out (who carpets a dining room - seriously. Someone without children I guess) and replaced with a walnut colour hard wood. The living room is next on the list for paint, but until the wall is down there's not much point in painting. I took these pictures just after setting the table quickly for thanksgiving dinner. I figured now was last chance to take some pictures before my house becomes a major construction zone on Monday. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Looking from the kitchen towards the living room

Standing in the living room looking towards the kitchenThis is the wall that will only be standing for the next 2 days. Once it's removed we will be able to enjoy the view of our stairs and double front doors. We will also have more room for our furniture and achieve a brighter and more spacious feel.


Anonymous said...

Looking good Jen! It totally reminds me of your first dining room, which I loved too.
Hope you stay sane during all the renos!
Thanks for the tour :0)

Anita said...

I think the green looks great, especially with the style/colour of your dining set! Your dining room is beautiful!

Heather said...

Very nice Jen! Looking forward to seeing more pictures!

renovations said...

The only way to get a superlative house “fit” is to style or design it specifically for you. A lot of people deal with the process of custom home Renovation. For some it’s both challenging and enjoyable while for others, it becomes a nightmare leaving them short on cash and long on anxiety. You need someone to understand the process and who move through, with little stress as possible.