I've been neglecting my blog lately. Although I have not been neglecting other people's blogs oddly enough ;)
I guess there hasn't been much to blog about around here lately. Over the last few months we had a new roof put on and there has been some progress in the bathroom. My father in law has installed a beautiful marble shower and it is completely done! As long as you don't mind stepping out of a shower onto dirty ply wood it's ready for use. We haven't used it yet as there are no bathroom walls, no floor, and no hooks to hang towels or robes or anything of the sort. But it's encouraging to have something in that room that defines it as a bathroom :)
That's really been it for the house renovations. Justin has been crazy busy at work leaving hardly any time for work at home. And when he is home sometimes the kids and I would rather live with studded walls and subfloor and be able to hang out with him instead of the other way around. The kids are only little for a short time - we have the rest of our lives to work on the house. That being said, I would LOVE some bedroom walls.... really.
The only pictures I've snapped over the last little while have been of the kids. But who doesn't love kid pictures, right??
So here are some:
Emily has been spending a good chunk of her non-school afternoons up in her room laying on her bed "reading" books. A skill learned during rest time at JK I believe. This time never coincides with Jacob's nap, sadly for me! So maybe it is also her way of getting away from her annoying little brother ;)

We've been trying out some new hairstyles. Emily's hair is looooooong so I figured I might as well try to embrace it's length and have fun with it. These are two of the hairstyles she picked from YouTube. I'm definitely not a hair person, but I am learning. Slowly.

We had one REALLY sick week over the holidays. We were all a bit under the weather with the kids taking it the hardest. The best indication Emily is sick? She naps. This day, she napped 2 hours on the couch. We are all feeling much better now, although Emily still has a bit of a cold.

Jacob is still Jacob. Loveable, funny, happy, rambunctious. He is such a joy to have in our family. We tried potty training for a few days over the holidays. It didn't go very well and resulted in him falling apart into tears whenever I asked him if he had to go to the bathroom. So we will wait a bit and try again. Jacob is still in a crib and I don't dare move him out of it. He LOVES his crib and it's so convenient to plop him in bed and walk out of his room every nap time and bed time. Until he starts to climb out we will leave him be.
I had been worried about his speech development and took him to tykeTALK a few weeks ago. The very lovely speech therapist told me I had nothing to worry about and he is doing fine. She will call us in about 6 months to make sure he is progressing, but as for now we don't need to worry.
What do you get when you mix one oreo cookie, one cup of water, and one little boy? Mess.

This is a picture that Emily snapped of Jacob last Sunday. I thought it was cute :)

So that's it for life around here. I have been busy with Nursery stuff, Meals on Wheels organization, and I just recently joined the Hospitality committee. Next week Joan teBokkel is going to attempt to teach me how to sew. I hope I can catch on quickly, I would LOVE to know how to sew.
Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas holidays and were able to spend some time with family and friends!