Well Emily cut her first tooth today. She's been very fussy lately and now I know why. I haven't really been checking often to see if a tooth had popped through... my mom found it when Emily bit her thumb. So now she has become the worst drooler ever. Back to bibs I suppose!

Emily in her Bumbo... she likes it, but gets frustrated when she can't flail all around.
What a cutie! She is growing up way too quickly! She looks so adorable in the bumbo seat picture:-)
A tooth!!! Early teether! Abby is sleeping right now but that makes me think that I should check her mouth when she wakes up I"ve never really checked.
She's so cute, I love the Bumbo picture too, she looks extremely merry in it.
Wow, teeth already? That's crazy! Isn't drooling the worst? Josh drooled non-stop, so he went through a bib every half hour - they totally wreck all the cute outfits, eh?! Just to warn you, they usually get their second tooth shortly after the first one (they come in pairs, it seems), so be prepared for more fussiness...
Cute pictures :0)
Wow first tooth! We just noticed today Jared is showing signs of his first coming in (can see them under the gums). Jannyne's right...usually the second will shortly follow (which may also explain some of the drool).
She look adorable in the bumbo.
A tooth already! YIKES! Good thing you are not nursing! I could only imagine! Jannyne is right though, that second tooth usually does not take long to come in. Jordan has been teething for a couple months now as she has been working on her eye teeth. Not fun! Emily looks so adorable in her Bumbo! She is getting so big!
hehe she looks so cute in that bumbo chair! She is quite rolly pollie. So from what these experienced moms are saying, you may have your work cut out for you,, all that drooling, and laundry hehe. She is a cutie though!
What a doll! Teething sure is a tough process eh!
Love the bumbo, eh? Teething...ugh. Hope she gets them quick and painlessly.
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