Wednesday, September 05, 2012


  • Woke up at the same time Justin was coming home from a 24 hour work day (7am)
  • Took Emily to her second day of school.  
  • Couldn't pry Emily off my legs and get her to stay on the playground, so I had to take her inside to Mrs. Vandenbrink - who is awesome and is going to let Emily help her set up in the morning until Emily gets more comfortable being at school.  LOVE the teachers at STCCS
  • Had coffee with Justin
  • Finished making 15 framed birth order props for our family photo shoot on Friday
  • Built a dozen or two towers with Jacob and watched him knock them over
  • Dusted, swept, unloaded the dishwasher
  • Microwaved two hotdogs for my husband to eat before he left for work... BAD wife!!!
  • Washed, Dried, and FOLDED 3 loads of laundry.  They are not yet put away.
  • Went to Shoppers hoping to find something to help heal Jacob's face.  Picked up some Vit E and Teatree Oil cream.... lets see if it works.  
  • Picked up a happy Emily from school
  • Bought a very cute tie from Button Up Boutique for this Friday
  • Sat on the porch and read a few chapters from Genesis while the kids played out back.  The porch is my favourite place to read. 
  • Was a human tow-truck and hauled the purple truck from the corner of our property back to the garage (because it ALWAYS dies in the furthest point on our yard)
  • Re did the September nursery list for the third time
  • Rescued my kids from the toy shelf
  • Asked my kids what they wanted for dinner and then made them the requested scrambled eggs (yes!)
  • Is currently eating my own dinner of, you guessed it, chips and salsa.  And a diet coke.  Yum.  


Belinda said...

Loved this post! (o:

HeatherVMS said...

Good job being a wife and mom! :-)