Every morning my kids have the same routine (mostly Emily, but Jacob usually just mimics his sister...)
They wake up and come downstairs and they get to watch one show while still in their pj's. You see, Emily needs time - a lot of time - to "wake up". She hates to be rushed in the morning and as long as she is left alone for about half an hour, she's fine. Then we do breakfast and the kids get dressed and Emily gets her hair done.
I don't mind this routine. It gives me time to have a coffee, do any cleaning up that wasn't totally finished the night before, get dressed, etc.
Well. On Monday, our TV broke. It won't turn on anymore. It is still under warranty, so it's really not a big deal. The TV repair man is coming on Friday. So a week without TV. No big deal. It will be good for all of us.
Wrong. Poor Emily. Her life was turned upside down. No show in the morning? No time to herself? Tuesday morning was NOT a pretty sight.
But there was NO way I was going to haul our old HUGE TV into the living room and hook it up. It is way too heavy and way too monstrous. (I know what you're thinking - can it be any bigger than the other TV in this picture? The answer is yes. It's not wider, but it's an oldie, and so it is DEEEEEEEP.)
So this is the compromise. A tiny little TV dating back to my university days. Won by my sister at the local Shoppers Drug Mart.
But the kids don't seem to care. Curious George looks about the same on a teeny tiny screen as he does swinging across our plasma..... :)