I did not spend WAY too much time changing the layout of my blog. I am not a rapid-mouse clicker and did not hit the "okay" button when Blogger told me all my current gadgets would be deleted off my side bar when changing my template. Rapid-mouse clicking never caused me any problems working at the bank and clients never found it annoying that I had to fix mistakes that I shouldn't have made in the first place.
Now that I'm finished my blog make over I'm not regretting all the work I did to re-load my blog and then wonder if I really like the new virtual me. I don't want any feedback from my friends about the new blog (I did save my old one just in case --that's the truth!). I did not log onto Blogger tonight to blog about something totally different and then get side-tracked. I never get distracted half way through doing something.
I have not ALMOST cut Emily's hair every night this week. I do not lay awake at night wondering if I should cut it -- I have way more important things to worry about. Each morning I do not run my hands through her silky hair and contemplate a little trim to even out the length. The fact that I give the worst hair cuts in the world - sorry, Mary - does not deter me and make me wonder if I should get Justin's mom to do it for me. I also do not love how long it is and how sweet it smells each night as I sit on my bed carefully brushing out the tangles after her bath. I did not french braid it this week and the post pictures on facebook -- that would be way too over the top.
I was not labelled a 'table-wrecker' this week as I finished off our dining room table. I have never in the past put a hot casserole dish on top of it and turn the wood white, drag out the leaf from under our love seat (where else would you keep part of your dining room table -- remember how I love putting things in odd places? ) and scratch the finish with a nail sticking out from the underside of the furniture, and then this past week I did not use it as a laundry table, dip detergent on it without noticing which then ate the finish off the table. Nope, not me!
It is not almost my bedtime and yet I still have evening chores to do - I did not choose to blog over a) making Justin's lunch b)folding laundry c)making the bed just so we can sleep in it (Im so glad Im not alone in this! ) or d)put away the "air-dried" dishes in the sink. Because you, my faithful readers, are so much more important to me than any of my wifely duties :)
Oh, and I did not just realize that I missed the renewal of the vows for Jon and Kate plus 8 . I have not been looking forward to this episode, and I'm not a little bummed out. Because, you know, I have a life!!