Thursday, March 22, 2007

One Month Old!

Well, Emily is one month old today. I tried to take some pictures this morning but she would only scream at me which doesn't make for very nice pictures! I'll attempt round two this afternoon.
Just as an FYI for those who would like to know, you can find me at my mom's house most days. Emily has decided that taking two 45 minute naps between the hours of 10pm and 6am is quite sufficient. Needless to say I am plagued with sheer exhaustion! I am very blessed to have my mom so close and willing to take on a couple of night shifts a week. Also, during the day Emily is very fussy and cranky, so having an extra set of hands to pass her off to is very nice. If anyone needs to get a hold of me you can reach me at my parents.
I decided to take Emily to the doctor this week, even though I was certain nothing is wrong with her, but I just wanted to rule out the possibility that there could be something medically wrong with her (I would feel awful if in a few months we found out there was a problem that could have been treated!) and there is indeed nothing bothering her... she's just gassy and fussy! So my doctor recommended switching her to soy formula just in case she has an allergy to cow's milk. So we started that on Tuesday...... not much of a change in her behaviour, but she's no worse!
But even though she's a handful Justin and I are enjoying and loving her so much. She is such a blessing to our family and we are so thankful to have her in our lives. Hopefully in a couple of weeks she'll be sleeping a bit better and be a bit happier, but even if she stays awake for the rest of her life we would still never change anything about her.
Anyway, sorry to bore you, I'll post some pictures later on (hopefully).


Sylvia said...

That's nice that your mom can help. Just wondering if the Dr checked her mouth for thrush? Cailyn was eating frequently...I mean like every hour...when she had thrush...and bottle fed babies can get it too.

Anonymous said...

Funny how someone so small can be so much in charge eh? Hopefully she'll start sleeping a bit better for you and you'll get some rest. Thank goodness for our moms!! It was good to see her Sunday - she's beautiful - you guys must be very proud!

valerie grace said...

happy one month sweet emily :)
if i remember Jen, I have an almost full can of soy formula you can have that I tried for Jack because he puked so much. But he hated the taste so you can have it :) miss you!

Matt and Julianna said...

Yikes, it sounds awful, I can say with experience that having a screamer is enough to make you feel like you're going to lose your mind. I'm sure you've tried the gripe water, it didn't cure Melody but giving half doses before meals seemed to help her. I've heard it doesn't work for every baby though.

Mark, Linda, Alex, Carsten & Savannah said...

Take all the help you can get. I hope things get better soon and that you can get all the rest you need to fully recover.
Emily is very cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen and Justin,
Your beautiful Emily sounds sooo much like our Erin used to be. A very good friend also had a cranky baby at the time and our motto became, "This time too shall pass away!" Believe me the crying will stop. The formula change is a really good idea, it worked for us to go totally lactose free, but it did take a week or so to work. Take heart cranky babies do become wonderful sweet girls. I wouldn't change my one daughter for a dozen others. BTW she looks so bright for only a month old. Sorry for rambling on with my thoughts, this is why I don't comment on the blogs since I never know when to stop talking. okay now I am really done :)

Sue Koopman

Stephen, Janet, Aidan and Noah VanMaanen said...

Hey if you ever need a break let me know I am willing to help in whatever way I can, or if you just want me to bring a hotchocolate with a cheese croissant(not spelled right I'm sure) then let me know! We love you and want to support you in any way we can! Give Emily a kiss and yourself a hug, and your mom a drink of you know what!!! hehehe see you soon!

Laura said...

My heart goes out to you Jen. I can only imagine how difficult it must be being a new mother and having a little one who does not sleep well and who is cranky. I am very glad to hear that your mom is so willing to help you out. That is wonderful of her and I am glad that you are taking advantage of that. I certainly hope that the change over to Soy formula will help poor Emily get over some of the gas. It is so hard when our little one's are crying and we are unable to comfort them. Like many have already said, we are here for you if you need us. If you need anything at all please let me know. Even if it just for a couple hours so you can take a nap throughout the day. We are praying for you and hope that things get better.