Yesterday I updated my status update indicating that I was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. (From one of my favourite children's books).
It was the holiday and we were all looking forward to having Justin home all day. The kids knew it was a "special" Monday and dad didn't have to go to 'Toronalds' that day (Jacob speak for Toronto :). WRONG! Around 9:00 he got a call which ended up in him packing his bags and driving away. Bummer! We didn't know when/if he would be back that day so we mentally prepared ourselves for him to be gone until Thursday.
Megan rescued us by having us over to swim and hang out. The kids had so much fun and it was nice to get out of the house! Rick took Jacob in the pool and he (Jacob ;) hasn't stopped talking about it. It is very sweet. We came home, had lunch, and Jacob took an unusually short nap.
Justin did end up returning home around 4pm and got straight to work on the house project that he had been hoping to accomplish that day. Without getting into boring details, it was a project that needed to be completed before the drywall can get taped and mudded. It really needed to get done yesterday.
This project was also one of the most dirty and disgusting reno projects that I have witnessed. Oh it was gross. Around 7:30 Justin got paged to a fire call. The project was in full swing and needed to get cleaned up before we could go to bed. Which meant I had to do something I never thought I would do in my lifetime. Remove shovel after shovel full of bat poop out of our walls. Horrible.
The kids were terribly grumpy yesterday - needy and whining, fighting constantly, continuously traipsing through the mess upstairs and crying when asked to stay away.
By the time the mess was cleaned up, the kids showered and into bed, and our room returned back to normal it was 10pm. I really dislike evenings when there is no quiet time.
But today is a new day and although Justin is back in Toronto we are in our "dad is gone" mode and have enjoyed our day. We got groceries in the morning, did some baking, painted in the afternoon, and now the kids are each playing by themselves. Soon it will be supper and baths, a bit more play time and then off to bed. The grumpiness is still lingering (in the kids) so I'm thinking maybe a half hour earlier bed time is in order. And then I will have some quiet time. A cup of tea and good book is calling my name.
And lastly, because there were a lot of words in this post, here are some pictures from Canada Day.
We go to Fingal Fireworks. They are always the day before the ones at Pinafore, so they were on Saturday this year. It is so fun. Everything is free - facepaint, balloons, flags, pins, cake, kids activities, glowsticks.... For a small township it is really impressive. The fireworks are great and the kids are always amazed. The best part, in my opinion, is parking super close and being able to leave within 5 minutes of getting to your car.
A little loud for Jacob |
much better :) |